
Here is what some of our clients have to say about us and our Timbakote products:

CHHlogo.jpg"For a traditional rustic stain look on Shadowclad Natural Ply & Shadowclad Prime Ply, CHH Woodproducts recommend Timbakote Natural Timber Finish & Timbakote Rustic Timber Finish film form protective stains that can provide long term durability."

"We were called in to quote and were awarded the contract to recoat the exterior timber cladding of 30 Villas at the Metlifecare Greenwood Park Retirement village using the Timbakote Natural Timber Finish system.

Timbakote Natural Timber Finish was used to recoat the complex in early 2000. We have noticed very little degradation of the coating after 6 years in some very exposed aspects.

We would recommend the Timbakote Natural Timber Finish to anyone who requires a longer lasting exterior timber finish."
-Nigel McCutcheon, Higgins Coatings PTY Limited, Branch Manager, Bay of Plenty

james.gif "James Hardie recommends film form stain coatings such as Timbakote for a natural timber look and long term protection of their Textured weatherboards."

"Timbakote Natural Timber Finish was selected by Metlifecare Property Services Department for the re-coating of the cedar on 189 homes within the Metlifecare Greenwood Park complex in early 2000.

Over the last 6 years there has been very little degradation of the coating and we are more than happy with the 5 year durability statement of Timbakote.

We are now in the process of re-applying Timbakote for the next 6 year period. As a Natural Timber Finish we would recommend Timbakote for other similar exterior timber applications where a longer lasting exterior coating is required."
-Todd Jenkins, Metlifecare Regional Manager, Bay of Plenty.

"We have finally been sent some decent photos of the cabin. Looks fantastic. Like a brought one some would say.

Shouldn't say this but it actually looks better than when we did it the first time ourselves.

Thanks for doing the job and we will definitely recommend you and your product to others."
-Steve  & Maree Plas

"Thanks for the lead to Timbakote  in Tauranga. The paint was perfect for the situation and was eagerly passed by the Rodney district council inspector. The paint finish resembles stain so closely that the bracing elements are NOT detectable visually.

Im so very impressed. Thank you!"
-Peter Eastwell, NZ Plywood Manufacturers

"Timbakote Natural Timber Finish was selected by Triclad as a preferred protective stain coating because it enveloped our weatherboard to give it all round protection on the first applied factory coat , with the additional coats on site we are assured of a durable protective coating that will last the distance for our customers.

It gives us assurance to know that Timbakote Natural Timber Finish had been independently tested by Ensis formerly known as the Forest Research Institute achieving the highest rating for a coating system.

We are happy with the Timbakote performances over the last 6 years were it has been used in a variety of situations and locations through out New Zealand.
Timbakote has the Environmental Choice NZ Tick which fits in with our own Environmentally friendly Triclad weatherboard.

We will continue to recommend Timbakote Natural Timber Finish as a protective stain coating with longer term durability."
-Bruce Tarrant, Managing Director, Triclad Ltd.
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